Glenwood Springs at night

>> Saturday, July 07, 2007

Almost two weeks here in Glenwood Springs and I still have trouble with that day-night thing. I feel very sleepy in the mornings (usually I sleep over my wake-up time) and in the night I feel quite energetic. Sometimes I even take small bike-rides around the night city like I did today. I only finished my shift in the park at 10:30PM, because those gondolas were closed again and I had to wait until all the guests will leave park on the bus, so after that I made a small ride around the place. Glenwood Springs is usually sleeping after 10:00PM so it was quite empty.
It's already 1:00AM right now, but I don't feel like sleeping yet...I wonder if I'll sleep over tomorrow again...

2 комментария(ев):

divine_dance July 7, 2007 at 10:08 AM  

you should get some sleeping pills or something. that might help. we took tylenol pm while we were in russia.

Wandering Family July 7, 2007 at 7:53 PM  

Now you can see how we felt so out of sorts when we first got over here! Don't worry, though, it goes away soon enough.

We miss you here, though!

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