On my way to USA:)

>> Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I made it to New York!
Right now it's early in the morning and I am having a traditional New Yorker breakfast with bagels and oatmeal in one of the neat cafes on Manhattan. Feels kinda great.
They have Wi-Fi here, so I decided to start putting on some pictures without wasting time. More fresh ones coming soon, because as usual I am taking plenty of pics so there is always something to tell about.
I live in the hostel here on Manhattan and sharing a room with my friend Sam and couple American dudes. Pretty cool.
Even though it's my second time in NYC, I still felt a little bit of stress or cultural shock, whatever they call it, yesterday as I was wandering around the night city:) Whatever you say, NYC is a strange place, but in a very interesting way. I'll probably post more about how I feel about this city some time later.
Ok, I have a long day ahead with a lot of places to visit, so a lot more news coming soon:)

[Views of American continent]

[arriving to JFK airport]

[Charles de Gaulle Airport. Paris. France.]

[View of Paris]

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