Sunday at Crossroads Church

>> Sunday, July 06, 2008

On Sunday morning we headed to the service to the Crossroads Bible Church. And...who could think that the world is actually so small??
When I looked at the missionary info board, I saw a picture of John&Naomi Musgrave, a missionary couple, that serves in Russia and that I personally know and worked with on couple conferences back in Moscow. And now I visited their home church too:)
The service was more of a conservative style, but I liked it still, and afterwards I participated in the youth ministry meeting, where they are watching the series of a Christian reality-show and dicsuss it. It was good to see how many young people are a part of this ministry.

[Youth pastor and youth group]

1 комментария(ев):

Erin Rebecca July 17, 2008 at 9:10 AM  

Looks like a great place to spend your sundays...

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