Another weekend with my friends from Russia:)

>> Saturday, August 02, 2008

Today we met with Polina, Rina and Marina and spent the day together visiting our friends Rick and Barb Porters, and also hanging out in Seattle. Unfortunately, Andrei was not able to join us... Otherwise, it would be all-Russians-together party:)
At these pictures we are next to the Lenin memorial in Fremont Square. Haha...we are destroying those in Moscow and all around Russia as well, so it sounds like very soon we actually will have to travel all the way to the States to take a picture with Lenin memorial.

At Starbucks

Really big street-lights

Russian Orthodox Church

More of Seattle downtown

2 комментария(ев):

Anonymous August 23, 2008 at 8:52 PM  

It has been a while since I have checked out your blog Vanya. I am really struck with how great your pictures are. Very artistic, interesting angles and colours - I really like them. David

Ivan S.Petrov August 24, 2008 at 9:53 AM  

Thanks, David:) Hearing that from a friend like you really matters a lot to me.
I really put a lot of effort and try to take good shots, but then I really love photography, so I don't know,maybe I should have studied photography instead of economics.

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