High School Dance-Party. What can be more HOT?

>> Friday, September 05, 2008

Coleen, Shannon, Dylan and me at the night dance-party

After the football tournament, we headed to the dance-party, and, that was a blast. I normally have a lot of fun on the dance-floors, but today was really something extraordinary. I probably never danced as crazy:) Haha:) Definitely a good place to meet new friends and just work-out and have fun!
After the dance-party girls and guys started telling me that I don't need to go back to Russia and should totally stay with them and party all year long:) I almost feel like doing this:) Definitely would love to get back to my high-school years and be involved in all that fun. Haha:))
Well, before I have to fly back, I still have a bunch of time to spend with my friends in California!

1 комментария(ев):

Anonymous November 11, 2008 at 11:46 AM  

You write very well.

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