High-School Visit
>> Thursday, September 04, 2008
Today I was visiting Tim's high-school, and I can definitely say that to visit an American high-school almost feels like an experience that you get once in a lifetime, because I've never been to American high-schools before and only had my ideas of them based on the movies.
Tim warned me that it might be quite weird, but I actually really enjoyed the day, and it was a lot of fun meeting some kids and sharing a little bit about myself and Russia with them and just getting a taste of teen culture in America.
The way all the classes and schedule are set is quite different from how it is in Russia; I would generally say that in American schools the atmosphere is more laid-back, and kids allow themselves to behave quite weird and even disrespectful at times. Also they only have 1 minute break between classes, and one class goes for 58 minutes. Another interesting difference is that they have the same classes every day, and they take different classes with different kids, so it's not like you are in the same group all the time.
Oh, and also we had to wake up at 6:30am, because the classes start at 8:00am.
With that being said, I might add that a lot of kids were quite excited to see someone from a different country and they were quite funny and nice to be around.
All in all, I had fun times at school with Tim today, and I almost started missing my high-school days and even thought for a moment that it would be nice to visit this school again. And, oh well, guess what...Tomorrow I am going again with Cara, so I will be visiting other classes and meeting even new kids and teachers. I better go to bed now. I have to wake up at 6:30am again!
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