I'm in California again!

>> Monday, September 01, 2008

Well, funny enough, they didn't charge me any money for extra-luggage in the airport on my way to California. I had 58 pounds in my suitcase, so I replaced 8 pounds to my carry-on bag, and this way I ended up with carry-on consisting of a stuffed backpack and a big(!) handbag that should normally have been checked in, but somehow, I managed to carry all that stuff on board without paying extra $$$:) By the way, weird new regulation that you have to pay 15$ even for your first checked-in bag. Maybe it's just United Airlines, but to me it really is an awkward thing.
It's really nice to be back in California; as soon as we went outside the airport today in Los Angeles, I immediately felt the hot Californian air. It looks like I am going to have one additional month of summer; well, technically, it's still only 3rd month of summer for me, because August in Washington was not exactly what you would call a summer month.
Anyways, today I was spending today with my friend Tim that I am staying with here and his family and his other friend, we went to the movie-theatre (haha, it's been my second time in the movie theatre in USA this summer after that time back in June in NYC; I guess I am so used to watching all movies on-line:), and then had some pizza at a pizza-place where Tim is working.
I am really tired right now, I guess it's just the night at the airport and a little jet-lag, but I think by tomorrow morning I will be fresh and all ready for new adventures:)

1 комментария(ев):

Sacha September 3, 2008 at 11:12 PM  

yes, it is only United Arlines and a few others. It is a very silly fee.

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