Los Angeles. Part 1
>> Saturday, September 13, 2008
Is it just me, or Los Angeles seems to be turning into a part of Mexico? Well, at least, when I was in LA city this weekend, this was my first impression. I hardly saw any white Americans, it's basically only Mexicans, Afro-Americans and Chinese people I saw on the streets. Some Russians too:) But almost no white Americans.
The city didn't impress me at all, even though it's kinda interesting in terms of architecture, but at the same time, LA is full of trash. I was amazed at how such a big and important city can turn into such a trash-can. It almost looks sometimes like no one is even trying to take care of it. And graffitis are everywhere. Not the good-looking art-pieces grafiitis, but tacky and weird-looking graffitis. Plus, truth be told, in the daytime, u will basically not see too many people outside and on the streets. LA, very unlike NYC, for example, almost looks abandoned at times.
Well, I might say, this city definitely looks better at night. I understand now what my friends meant when they were telling me there are big chances for me to be disappointed with LA city.
One thing I understood. When you hear about glamorous and great LA, they usually mean LA County, not the Los Angeles city itself. As I found out during my weekend with friends, Hollywood and Beverly Hills, unlike Los Angeles, are really gorgeous places to live and hang out at. They are both very fabulous and legendary-looking. But about Hollywood in my next posts.
Meanwhile, take a look at the shots of best-looking places in LA; I really tried to avoid taking pictures of all the trash and tackiness of this city.
1 комментария(ев):
wow, very special, i like it.
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