Rockclimbing with David

>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today me and David went to the rock-climbing studio! It was a lot of fun, and even though it's been 2 years since I've last done it, I did improve in my results. Of course there is still a lot I can learn from David in order to get like him, because he is a really good rock-climber:)
I realize, that as little as I do associate myself with any specific kind of sport, rock-climbing would actually be something I would love to be exercising in, because it really is a lot of fun and does fill you with new energy.
Also I think rock-climbing goes quite well with photography art that I like a lot. When I see those climbing walls or real mountain climbing routes, there is a variety of quite cool photoshoots I can imagine in my head. For example, imagine a picture of a model in a beautiful dress climbing one of such walls. That would make a good cover for a new clothing-collection promotion.

1 комментария(ев):

photodenow March 1, 2009 at 11:42 AM  


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