Settlers throughout the years [2005-2009]

>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

First two pictures were taken today, as me, David and Erin were playing our favorite game Settlers of Catan. The third one though was taken all the way back in November 2005! I think that was my first game of Settlers. Feels like I had several lives in between - so long has it been since then, but I am so glad that David and Erin are still with me - in my heart and in my life, and we can grow in our friendship.

Back in November 2005

2 комментария(ев):

Laura Jean February 13, 2009 at 2:27 AM  

You finally got to play Settlers again - the game we got into back in Calgary was Scrabble. David is quite good at it. Of course Erin's dad is our hometown city champion in Scrabble. So who was the winner anyway? Take care. Laura

Ivan S.Petrov February 13, 2009 at 9:55 AM  

David won both games yesterday, he is really good at Settlers now:))

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