Visiting Ballet in Metropolitan Opera

>> Sunday, June 07, 2009

Today I had a very unique chance to go to Metropolitan Opera for the ballet performance with my friend, who is a composer. We went to a 3-hour ballet based on Prokofyev's [famous Russian composer] music. It consisted of 3 separate pieces, and it was really a great experience worth having:) (you don't get a chance to go to Metropolitan Opera every day, so I felt very special:)
I can't say that I am a super-big fan of ballet, but I truly enjoyed the whole time, the costumes, music and dances were all amazing. A big part of the ballet-band consists of Russians and Ukranians by the way. Ballet performances are here in Metropolitan Opera only for the spring season, and then they will continue touring around the world again.
I should say that a big part of the audience were Russians; I met Russians in parter behind us, in the restroom, in the front hall - everywhere. I guess Metropolitan Opera is the second place to go to after Brighton Beach if you are searching for some Russians in NYC:)

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