And then a celebrity walks in...
>> Sunday, July 18, 2010
So I've been complaining for a while now that even though I've been to the States a few times already, I've never met any celebrities face-to-face.
Seems like this trend is about to change.
After seeing Lady Gaga live in Madison Square Garden 10 days ago, I thought my luck with celebrities was about to end. But it keeps going on. I work in a high-end restaurant on Manhattan near Central Park, so celebrities of different sorts keep visiting us. Couple days ago I was greeting Jennifer Love Hewitt as she stopped by for lunch with her friends, and yesterday morning I met Laura Kirkpatrick (runner-up from America's Next Top Model Cycle 13), who came for breakfast with her boyfriend. I need to say though, that unlike Jennifer Love Hewitt, who was immediately caught by paparazzi, it seemed like I was the only one who knew Laura.
In the past couple weeks we also had the singer Estelle, comedian Joan Rivers, and reality-show stars Joe and Kate Gosselin who visited on separate occasions (but I haven't personally witnessed any of those).
On top of that, every day I keep seeing a very famous lady (I think she is comedian, but I forgot her name, so will need to Google that), when she leaves her hotel suite next door.
Maybe I should come up with a preference-list of what celebrities I would like to see in the nearest future)
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