Russians в Нью-Йорке [русские in New York]
>> Monday, July 12, 2010
I am working as a host in a restaurant near Central Park, so obviously I do get in touch with a lot of different types of people, as it is truely one of the busiest areas in the city.
Today, as I was greeting people outdoors, I overheard a conversation held in the outside-cafeteria area between 2 younger ladies, who were later on joined by their 3rd friend.
At first, I couldn't figure out what was so strange about their conversation, but then I realized they were all Russians, who must have lived in America for a while, as they were speaking in 2 languages at the same time. They would start a sentence in Russian, then throw in a couple English words, then add a little Russian word, and then finish the sentence in English.
So I heard something like:
-Привет, дорогая, you look so good, сегодня просто fantastic day.
-Да, вчера я была в department store, там было очень много клевых сумок, вот полюбуйся, my new purse.
-Она такая colorful!
-Я возьму ее с собой на наш upcoming event.
-Кстати, ты уже решила, в чем идешь на party?
So if you only know English or only know Russian, none of this probably makes sense to you.
But in case you know both languages well, you will probably understand how annoying this whole thing sounds. I almost barfed while listening to them, because literally it sounded like they were both in the process of learning Russian and English, and sucked badly at both of those.
So: if you're Russian, and if you're ever in New York, or anywhere in America, please withheld from mixing languages in the same conversation. It's tasteless, and if I am ever around, I might as well throw up.
Cheers to all of you, my favorite followers!
PS. tomorrow I am going to Niagara Falls for a 2-day getaway amongst some wild nature. Hope you all are doing smth amazing this week too! If yes, share with me what it is!
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