22 wishes for my 22nd birthday!

>> Wednesday, June 01, 2011

I came up with a list of 22 things that I would like to see happening in my life in the next 365 days:

1. More fun and exciting travels around the world.
2. Enjoyable experience at a new job.
3. Meeting a lot of new people.
4. Meeting new friends.
5. Developing existing friendships.
6. Developing the creative side of myself.
7. My mom getting completely healed of her leg injury.
8. My family members finding more things in common and more understanding.
9. Developing my leadership qualities.
10. Another exciting road-trip around the USA.
11.Buying my own car.
12. Making steps towards getting a degree in art (or possibly fashion/style).
13. Participating in various TV- and other media-related projects.
14. Understanding where I stand with my view on God and the world.
15. Recovering some of the old friendships.
16. Reading more.
17. Less of spending money on the things that I don't really need.
18. Participating in an international volunteer project.
19. Making new important business-connections.
20. Learning how to get inspired by simple things around.
21. New computer.
22. New apartment with more natural light and a better design.

Wow, that was easy. I guess, there is never a limit to what we are wishing for))

1 комментария(ев):

Anonymous June 3, 2011 at 9:03 AM  

I wish you succesful year, compliting all this great wishes! God bless you, Vanya!

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