The Story of a Young Restless Man

>> Friday, July 27, 2007

There once lived a young man who was looking for all-life-long joy and happiness. He was sure that somewhere on this earth there is a place where one can find eternal comfort - spiritual and physical.
One day the young man heard about "The Springs Path". It was a very long road in the desert and throughout that road there were several springs with life water. One of the springs contained water that, once you drink it, brought you peace and comfort and helped you to understand the meaning of life. All other springs only gave you enough strength to return back home. No one really knew how many springs were on that path.
Everyone who decided to try "The Springs Path" could try water from only one spring. Every time one approached the spring he had to make a choice: whether to drink from that one or continue his way till the next one.
The young man left his homeland, took nothing with him and traveled 5 days to approach the desert and "The Springs Path".
He started the Springs road early in the morning. He was full of strength. He was full of hope. He was sure that he had enough wisdom to choose the right spring.
The young man was making his way through the desert thinking to himself:"By the end of this day I will find peace and comfort, I will become happy".
After 15 minutes he approached the first spring. A very old man was guarding it. He asked the young man if he wanted to try water from that spring. The young man looked around and saw a lot of footprints ahead so he continued his way.
"The first spring on the path can't be the right one. It would be too easy",-decided the young man.
In half an hour he approached the second spring. A man who was guarding this second spring was still old, but not as old as the previous one.
The young man didn't try from the second one as there were still a lot of footprints ahead.
"Others didn't stop here, I won't stop either",-thought the young man.
However, he already felt a little thirsty because he was in the desert and it was very hot there.
Another hour passed and the young man approached the third spring. he noticed that reaching every new spring took him twice as much time as the previous one and that every other guard was younger.
The young man already felt very thirsty.
The man who was guarding the third spring was smiling. He asked in a very soft voice: "Would you like to drink from this one, refresh your body and probably even get eternal peace and comfort?"
It was a temptation. Thirst was so strong. But the guard's smile didn't look very honest.
The young man spotted that there were still some footprints ahead, though there were very few of them.
"Many of those who searched, gave up here, - decided the young man. - Well, I want to drink so much, but I don't want to be like those who gave up".
He continued his way and in 6 hours he passed 2 more springs. He wanted to drink, but he also remembered about his goal.
8 more hours passed by and the young man approached the sixth spring. He was now moving very slowly as he had no strength, because his body was dehydrated.
He saw another man guarding the spring - he was very young - maybe in his early 30-s or even late 20-s. He was smiling and his smile was very kind. He said: "Well, my dear young friend, I really think that now you can try from the spring. It will be the best choice for you. And I really wish you the best".
Young man looked around: there were no more footprints ahead. He was hesitating.
The guard was still smiling, his eyes were so bright, clear and kind.
"He might be cheating on me, - finally decided young man. I am moving ahead, I know better when to stop".
The guard asked once again. His voice was kind and compassionate.
"No, - said young man, - I am going to continue my way. I am still searching. There should still be something better on my way".
And he left.
The guard was looking at the young man's small silhouette for a very long time.
He sighed deeply.
-Poor restless young man. He always thinks that something better is waiting for him ahead. But nothing else is there. This is the last spring.
Tears were now coming from the guard's eyes.
"I wanted to become his friend for these several minutes. I wanted to give him a good advice, a kind advice. I wished him the very best...But he is so restless...desperately restless".
"He denied my advice, he relies only upon his own wisdom, but he doesn't realize how stupid he actually is".
"If he would drink from this last spring, he would probably understand the truth".
"The truth that no one can find peace and comfort on this earth. It only comes in heaven".
Several hours later the young man was no more able to move. He stopped and falled down in the middle of the desert sands. The stars were now shining in the sky.
The young man rose his head and watched the sky.
-God, forgive me, please, for being so stupid, restless and stubborn. Forgive me, please, for always thinking that I am the only wise person in this world. Forgive me, please, for not listening to other people's advices.
The young man was praying and he was crying. He had no more strength. He had no more hope.
He closed his eyes and felt asleep.
He never woke up again.
He died.
The night passed. The dawn was now lightning the desert.
It was all quiet. The young man's dead body was right there - in the middle of the desert.
The young man finally found some rest.


Community Center

>> Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Community Center is the place that has recently topped the list of my favorite ones to visit here in Glenwood Springs. Mostly because they have free Internet. But it is really a very fun place to go as soon as they have all kinds of entertainment here. You can pay 10$, buy a day pass and then the whole day use the pool (but I can't, the gym, take special fitness and pylates classes, do the rockclimbing in a special studio and a lot of other stuff like volleyball, tennis, dancing classes and they even organize special dinners.

David, this one below reminds me about our time on skaladrom in Moscow. It was such a great time...Thank you for trying to teach me the rockclimbing. Maybe I was not a very successful student, but I enjoyed it very much and this is something I will remember my whole life.
Maybe I'll try this wall here too (but it is very easy in comparison to what we did in Moscow).



>> Sunday, July 22, 2007

I already wrote about how I was surprised the first two days I came to America, when everyone was talking about Paris Hilton - on TV, radio, newspapers, etc.
Well, now it's time for me to be surprised at how people here go crazy with new Harry Potter book. Today I was reading the morning newspaper, and the first two pages were all about people spending day and night staying in the long lines to get the copy of a fresh Harry Potter part, and final part, by the way.
So even here, in small Glenwood Springs people have Harry Potter fever. So many fans, and they are totally obsessed with their hero...
Maybe I'll get a copy of this book too. To be honest, I like Harry Potter books as well. I don't have a fever though...


Car show

>> Saturday, July 21, 2007

Yesterday I was visiting the car show. A lot of people from different states brought their old and restored cars to the city and organized some sort of exposition.


Dodge Challenger'1971

I met a couple from Denver on the show and we had a very interesting talk about Americans and about American mentality. We even talked a little bit about Russian-American politics, and they were very eager to know what Russians think of Americans.


Hanging Lake & Sprouting Rock

>> Friday, July 20, 2007

This was my second hiking tour to the Hanging Lake National Park. This time I did some new hiking routes and made more pics. (Last time I visited H.L., my camera batteries died).

Hanging Lake Waterfall:

The water there is absolutely clean:

Hiking route:

Sprouting Rock Waterfall:



My new one

>> Monday, July 16, 2007

So this is my second house to live in, and who knows, maybe not the last one...
Even though it looks fairly small from the outside, it is actually pretty big, has 7 rooms, laundry, bath and kitchen.
Actually my new room is twice as big as my previous one. And there is more light in the house as soon as it is located in a field zone.
Plus it is a little closer to the downtown (it sounds funny though, because it basically takes 15 minutes to cross the city from one end to another).

My new room:

Pretty big one and has a large wardrobe:

Living room has more light and I like it better, plus it is not as messy as that previous one:

This chair looks expensive, like it is an antique one:

Bathroom is the only room which is smaller in comparison to previous house, plus it is mostly pink. But I think I can bear it, it is still bathroom anyway:

Kitchen zone:


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