Contemporary Art Performance

>> Thursday, February 28, 2008

Below are the pictures from The Contemporary Art Performance I visited in Moscow.


Honey Festival

>> Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Me and my friend Craig decided to check out the honey festival on its last day in Manezh exhibition hall.
It's almost getting my annual tradition visiting this event (2nd year in a row now).

Quite fun, as you can try all different kinds of honey and stuff made from it, and also watch a lot of peculiar-looking people.

We asked this lady to pose for a picture, and she was so pleased, that she gave us a free(!) boxfull of honey:)

Here is Craig trying some medovucha (drink from honey)


The Visit

Today my friend Jesse was visiting my English class at university.
Here is he with my English teacher on the picture.
It was fun time (plus we didn't really do much else rather than discussing different topics), and he could share a little about his life and American culture with students. We did have a small test though, so Jesse could help me a little there too:) I have to invite him more often.
A year ago when I brought my Canadian friend David into the class, my class-mates were also quite excited:) Always interesting to meet people from different countries and different cultures. And really makes English classes much more entertaining and interesting.


Kerri's Birthday Party

>> Monday, February 25, 2008



>> Saturday, February 23, 2008

This "puddle with rain dots" picture I took TODAY looks like it is made in April, right? lol:) Now I can totally see the effects of global warming. I remember 23rd February last year, and it was so freaking cold, freezing down to -15C. Well, today it was around +5C and raining most of the day:) I could smell and feel the spring for sure:)
It was great day today btw as I spent a lot of good time with my friends, went to the movietheatre (it's becoming my good tradition now) and also had a fun party:)
23rd of February is considered to be "Men's Day" in Russia, but frankly speaking, it's a weird thing. Maybe it should be changed into "The beginning of warm spring' Day" instead.

Also I decided to check my blog's readability level, or in other words, how well all the lines and pictures are put together, and was quite happy with the result:
blog readability test

Movie Reviews


Young-Looking Mother or Older Sister?

>> Monday, February 18, 2008

When we go out somewhere together with my mom, people often ask if she is my sister. Not exactly:) She really looks young:) Evidence below:


Planning Takes Brain Efforts

>> Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our planning team goes on preparing for the English Camp; only 5 weeks left!
It requires a lot of brainstorming, but also is a very interesting process. Today we made a good progress discussing the schedule and planning the activities for the camp:


Russia goes for HUGE PARADOX

I don't get a credit for taking this picture, but I think it shows so well, what Russia/Moscow is all about - it is about PARADOX.
If you look at the van, it says "Чистота-это престиж" on it, which means "Cleanliness is a sign of prestige", and what a wonderful illustration of this motto is the van itself:)


"No Country for Old Men" or How You Better NOT Watch Oscar Nominees

>> Friday, February 15, 2008

Well, I have this tendency to check things that are on the hot light-spot, such as movies that are Oscar noms. So today I took my friend and we went and watched this "No Country for Old Men" movie, that was so widely advertised and is one of the 5 nominees for the "Best Picture" Oscar prize along with "Atonement", "There will be blood", "Juno" and "Michael Clayton".
I was honestly so very disappointed with it, because it proved again that the Oscar nom is not necessarily a movie with much sense and strong well-built plot in it. They just put some popular actors in it, promote it well, and here it is: another movie about nothing with a good $$$ budget.
It's already the 2nd Oscar nom-movie I watched recently and got disappointed with. The 1st one was previous year "Little Miss Sunshine", and the piece was ok, but the writers did quite a poor job on its end, so it messed up the whole effect.
Maybe I will have to give a resolution not to watch super-actively-promoted movies at some point:)


Friday Night with Friends:)

Me with a funny cap on and Diana:)

Me, Rina and Kerri Mc-ing the Valentine's Day (aka Singles' Awareness Day:) party

Craig, Katya and Caleb


I was taking a picture of Katya who was also taking a picture:)

I am not in a cap anymore, gave it back to its owner:)


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