Too Little Too Lazy

>> Friday, November 02, 2007

Well...nothing really interesting is going on in my life these days...not to say's pretty boring... Doing same things day after day - going to classes, working in ZARA and sometimes taking Americans around the city. I am just waiting for something exciting to happen. But who knows when it's gonna happen? hopefully earlier than next summer...I definitely do not mean snow though...they say next week the snowfalls will come and the weather will turn cold. It's not good.
I am a little sick having my cough and headache because of the weather. So tomorrow I'll spend the whole day at home sleeping, getting rest and trying to get rid of cough. And Sunday I am working the whole day, so it's not much of an exciting's still ok.
The only thing is that I am getting too lazy. Like every day I am making some plans for the day on what I have to do...and then throughout the day I am either getting tired or sleepy or something else. So I don't really do the things I have finding a job-offer for the next summer.
For this next week I will try to be more concentrated and attentive + make a good plan that I will be able to complete and not get too lazy again. But who knows?

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