Exploring wild nature?...Dangerous...

>> Sunday, September 16, 2007

Well, today I made a small mistake. Or a big mistake? Anyway, I prefer to think of it as a small one.
It was evening and I went up to the mountains all by myself... To make some pictures and probably watch the sunset.
I was making my way on a lonely road through the mountain forest and taking pictures of things around. Then at some distance I noticed a black silhouette moving pretty fast behind the trees. I thought it was some fox or dog? So I was continuing my way up the mountain.
Well, after quite a while the car was passing by and it stopped, and the old lady inside started asking me if I was lost in the mountains. So I go like "no, why do you ask?" and then her answer is like "you have to be careful here, there are a lot of mountain bears around and they are dangerous for people".
So as she is driving away I kind of stop to realize that it is already twilight, I am on the middle height of the mountain, and I have no idea of how to behave in case you meet a bear. Then I remembered that moving black creature, and so I started making my way down really fast. That was pretty scary... I put off my music, so that I could pay more attention to the sounds around in case a bear will be near. The sounds of night forest, especially when no one is around, are kind of frightening.
Didn't take me too long though to get down, as soon as when you feel scared, you try to move faster...haha...

So this is how it was around me:

Some other pictures I made. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I didn't manage to take a picture of a real bear...

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