POST #100! Looking back on how it was...

>> Monday, December 24, 2007

It's almost New Year time! I really can't believe it.
I found out that this was going to be my #100 post, so I decided to look back at how I was starting my blog 6 months ago.
Reading it and looking through some of the pictures is really sad. I feel like I had several different lives during last half a year and it is so hard to think that many of those moments will never happen again. I won't have the same emotions I used to during these 6 months.
6 months is only 180 days and still to me it looks like that was someone's else life.
It's great though. It means I got more new experience this year.
I want so much stuff to happen in the nearest future, in this coming new year.Most of all, one thing. And I am not sure if that particular wish of mine will happen - at least it didn't happen last several years (I remember wishing it to myself every other New Year)- or at least it didn't happen exactly how I wanted it to be. Who knows?? Maybe, this year it will.
So this is post #100. This is New Year time. I am looking forward to next 365 days!
And maybe to another 365 posts!

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